Information for Members & Potential Members
The weekend will provide Bush Search & Rescue (BSAR) members and other interested experienced bushwalkers with training in skills for bush search and rescue with BSAR. The program is designed to be active and hands-on for all participants.
Training will include a full search exercise, a GPS rogaine and workshops.
Who should attend?
- Current BSAR members and Prospective members
- Experienced bushwalkers who are considering membership of BSAR, who meet or who are close to meeting the requirements for BSAR membership, are also most welcome.
BSAR entry requirements are available here:
Transport, rendezvous and departure time
A bus is provided by Police Transport Branch. The assembly and departure details are:
- Location: Police Bands Compound, end of Green Street, Northcote
- Time/date: 07:00 hrs, Saturday 3 May.
- Parking: Available in the compound. Please park as directed.
Return: Green Street 18:30 hrs Sunday 4 May.
What to bring?
- Day pack, packed ready for an all day search exercise off track and in some thick scrub, commencing on arrival Saturday morning
- Full water bottles as always
- Your copy of the BSAR manual, notebook, folder, pens and paper
- Garmin GPS and a handheld CB radio if you have them.
- Equipment and food for camping on Saturday night (leave in bag at search base)
- A folding chair is handy for the workshop sessions and in camp.
Maps will be supplied. There is a fresh water tank on site at the base camp.
A reminder of BSAR Policy: no shorts please.
Current BSAR members: click here to register.
Please also inform your Club BSAR Delegate that you are attending.
Birkebeiner NSC’s delegate is: Marty Eriksson: Mob: 0427 578 774 or Email:
Deadline: Friday 25 April 2014
Visitors, potential and prospective members: Please contact your Club BSAR Delegate, or email us at
If you have any questions about the weekend, please don’t hesitate to ring one of the organisers:
- Duncan Brookes 9379 6163 0428 170 068
- Merv Trease 9873 1281 0439 726 470