The Birkie Award

The club’s Birkie Award is awarded annually for outstanding service and commitment to club programs & events.

The member’s name and the year the award was received will be engraved on the perpetual shield, which will be displayed in the clubhouse. The member will also receive a framed certificate.

The award will be presented at one of the club’s social functions held during the season.


Jeanette McLaren — for outstanding service and commitment to BNSC club programs & events over many decades. (Treasurer, Governance, Club House, Ski de Femme & Kangaroo Hoppet Set Up.

Jeanette McLaren was presented with the 2023 Birkie Award
by Vice President Paul Gray


Peter SmithClubhouse Manager, Skidoo Steward, Birkie Junior Program/Camp, Race Committee & Race Hut Communications.

Peter Smith was presented with the 2022 Birkie Award
by Vice President
Michelle Forrer.


Rob Boland Kangaroo Hoppet, Search & Rescue, Clubhouse & Race Hut construction.

Rob Boland (right) was presented with the 2021 inaugural Birkie Award
by President Ewen Silvester. To read Rob’s CITATION,
click or tap [HERE].