End of season BBQ
- When: Saturday 16th November 2019
- Where: In the picnic area by the lake in Mount Beauty
- Time: From 5:00 pm
What to bring
We will provide the meat (and veggie burgers for those who prefer them), as well as bread and sauce.
You’ll need to bring your own chair, cutlery, plates, drinks, plus, for families, a salad and a sweet to share (singles and couples – please bring a salad OR a sweet to share).
RSVP to Elaine Thomas (social secretary) by Thursday 14th November
Email: elainemt66@yahoo.com.au or Mobile: 0429 380 408 (text)
As a courtesy, please let me know you will be coming and if you need vegetarian food (or else BYO meat!). If you don’t reply, we’ll assume you are not coming so we don’t over order. It also makes it easier to contact you if the weather necessitates a change of venue.
If you decide to come at the last minute, please bring your own meat!
Thank you,
Elaine (social secretary)
National XC Provisional Teams

Alpine Shire Youth Awards
The annual awards are an opportunity for the Alpine Shire community to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of young people across a range of categories (10).
Two local Birkebeiner members and very keen racers won the Youth Award 12 – 16 Years. They were Tommi Silvester (15 years) and Ash Forrer (16 years) who in April 2019 were the youngest people to complete the total 660 km Australian Alps Walking Track from Walhalla (Vic) to Tharwa near Canberra. It took them 27 days and involved 12 months of planning and preparation. A fantastic effort!

Kangaroo Hoppet Race Committee — Vacancy
The Kangaroo Hoppet is a wonderful community event held annually on the 4th Saturday of August in Falls Creek. The Race Office/Shop is based in Mt. Beauty and is the first point of call for skiers. This role is a great opportunity for a volunteer to contribute positively to this event. It is a rewarding and interesting time where you meet competitors from overseas, interstate and from our local community.
After 11 years of co-ordinating the Kangaroo Hoppet Race Office and Shop, Trish Cross and John
The Co-ordinators have a regular core of wonderful volunteers who help out during the lead up to the Event and are supported by the Kangaroo Hoppet Race Committee.
If this valuable role is something you would be interested in, please contact Trish trishacross@bigpond.com to discuss it further.
2019 Kangaroo Hoppet Race Office & Shop — Thank you
The Hoppet Shop could not operate without the
The co-ordinators would like to acknowledge and thank Gael Little, Ann Bellingham, Eileen Clark, Sandi Coleman, Elaine Thomas, Mick Keenan, Meg Crebbin, Luise Mock, Jeanie Farrington, Rhonda Gargan, Bruce Wharrie, Marg Hayes, Liz Harvey, Virginie Bernard, Helen Howley, Natalie Flay, Sarah Gardiner, Faye Moreland, Mary Pike, Judy Ranton, Marion Sharman, Paul Sharman, Jim Crebbin, Beth Smith, Ian Smith, Tony Valente, Sue Tilley, Sonja Smith, Gill Harrowfield, Ian Harrowfield, Bettina Kayler and Bron Gray.
Your contribution is a vital part of the Hoppet event and we hope you enjoyed it. Hope you are able to help again in 2020 – 30thAnniversary Kangaroo Hoppet.

Archive of Kangaroo Hoppet T-shirts
Thanks to BNSC members and KH skiers who have responded to the call out for historical samples of the Kangaroo Hoppet souvenir T-shirts. We are still looking for samples from the following years: 1991, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2014 and 2016.
If you still have a T-shirt from one of these years and are willing to donate it to the Archive, we would love to hear from you. Contact Trish on trishacross@bigpond.com who will organize for it to be added to the Archive.